Peel back valencia
remove the brightness
dim the highlight
extract the sharpness.
Disassemble the frame
rip apart the chrome,
naked in realization
you are alone.
A constellation of cells bonded
to create a pasty surface
on which freckles dance a
flash mob of sun-kissed gold.
Eyes that cling to a pointy nose,
like your parents to each other
after the third glass of wine.
Painted wrists scream
as silence escapes locked lips,
pleading you to release her
from school-yard slurs.
Red marks on failed tests
echo marks on her stomach,
as she studies her body instead of books.
She grabs her skin,
mesmerized by the bars that form;
A prison that has taken her captive.
The onlooker judges without filter.
Society scrutinizes and leaves you bare.
A mother and father weep.
Unobtainable expectations claim another life.