No Shock Value
People are curious by nature When I tic in public I get an ocean of judgmental eyes pointed at me A few people even come up and ask questions Feeding their curiosity Why do you curse? Why does everyone with Tourette's curse? Have you tried smoking weed? Can you stop? There are children here can you leave? I am part of the 10% that does curse Please do not think I am the majority here If I didn't scream obscenities would you still know what it was If you saw the way my face caresses my shoulder Saw the way my fingers twitched into positions that resemble gang signs Saw how my spine betrays me and throws my head back so hard my ass kisses the floor Would you still ngant to know Or would you pass judgment on me so silently Whisper to your friends about that weird girl who's probably on drugs Or mentally incapacitated? My Tourette's is not a damn punchline I am more than a gimmick to show your friends More than a sideshow to entertain or disturb This isn't to say don't ask questions I'm more than happy to educate you on this But I'm so damn tired of being a fucking joke Only worth the shock value I bring At the parties I go to they only like me when my tics are funny Even my boyfriend doesn't like the embarrassing tics The tics that bruise my chest The tics that cause a scene I'm so damn tired of being a one stop attraction So please I know it's hard to not stare But keep your eyes to yourself I don't need you to be sorry I just need you to be understanding