No Shame
Fresh again, starts anew,
But yet, a question, rings through.
Tolling bells of anticipation,
But are we ready, to join the nation?
The future so unknown, is faced.
Filled with nerves, a disgrace.
Uncertain, all we are. He says,
"Love is taken to bed."
In his pupil's eyes, thoughts run wild,
and suddenly, he is just a child.
For what he taught in years before,
are now nothing. He is no more.
So I am not waiting to be given a lesson,
I will teach my own, my own passion.
Now I found who I plan to be,
No one will take that, from me.
I, am holding a new destiny.
So now I thank who has come before,
but now I am no longer sore.
I ask for you to listen to me now,
I may not have taken some holy vow.
But believe you me, I can say how,
I will make my way, I am not helpless.
Student, teacher, one in the same,
We grow from each other, no shame.
Grow from who inspires you,
It's what we were made to do.
So glad to take a step forward,
Though scared to be a junior.
A new year is a new me,
I can't wait for them to see.
Who this girl will be.