No one, from a Mistake
No one really talks about it
It's a taboo thing
Unable to accept it
I try not to think
I pray that I was stronger
That I didn't give in
all I think about is why me, why him
If it weren't me I'd say, "What were you thinking?"
No one really talks about it
no one will know
I wish I stronger
I wish I could let go,
I could tell my friends but they won't understand
I just need someone to hold my hand
My heart is breaking
but no one will know
My secrets will kill me before I let go
I won't let it slip
not even a peep
I'll pretend it never happened
I'll be happy,
that's what they'll see
I wish I stronger
I wish I said no
No one will hear about
No one will know,
The pressure is too much for me to let go,
I just need a hand
from someone who'll care
I don't want to be sad
I want someone to be there,
My empathy is gone,
But I'll pretend it's still there.
No one will know
No one cares.
I've closed the door
You've seen too much.
I didn't mean to type this
But it's all too much.
I want to be happy,
But no one will know, and know will care