No One Likes a Murderer
We all have reasons.
Some decide to fall in line
to grow up and away from
criminals beneath us.
And some decide to become them.
Choosing is not easy
though we think we
know what's right.
No one likes to be stolen from
to be beaten or cheated or used
but contemplate reverse
initiated rehearsed,
even good people
have needs unversed.
This empty soul holds feelings untold
at least what's left of them.
Swirls of black and
hopeless holds and
slick sick demons
do damage deep down
to let them out is murder.
And no one likes a murderer,
a robber or rapist or felon
but what if selfish acts
extract the black
and attacks from loved
compact it back.
They take our slack and with wax enact
a tax on fact of feeling through plaque
our conceited tracks have brought climax
and never again shall syntax crack.
Punishment comes from breaking the law.