No doesn't mean convince me
Let me tell you What “No” doesn't mean when I say it
No doesn't mean, maybe...not now..or I'm not sure...perhaps you should convince me
It isn't a playful no that means yes
If I wanted you to touch my breast I would just say so
Unfortunately, we live in a society where no means yes and stop means go
Because we play out these fantasies where girls just say stop and no for pleasure
They want the man to keep going harder and faster until he’s done
It’s on the movies and tv’s and it's just begun
To sink in their heads as meaningless fun
But little do they know that when they take her no the harm cannot be undone
But maybe you just can’t understand this concept of no so let me make it easier for you
Yes...means yes
Yes means consent
Consent isn’t given if I'm fast asleep
Consent isn’t given just because my skirt comes way up above my knees
Consent isn’t given just because I flirt with ease
Or kiss and tease
Consent isn’t given if I freeze, my mouth unable to form the words no
Silence is not an unlocked door for you to open when you please and make yourself at home invading my privacy
That's the problem with society
Every day we are perpetuating rape culture
Vultures ready to attack if she’s wearing something that shows too much skin
Romanticizing the man’s chase of a woman who has said no...hoping he will win
He loves the chase because even though she has said she’s not interested he still feels entitled
He keeps going she says no it's an endless cycle
Played on and on in the movies as a girl playing hard to get
Yet we romanticize this conquest
As a result, we perpetuate rape culture
By making excuses
Saying no means yes
Replacing the word rape with sex
But having sex with an intoxicated girl then going to brag
By throwing consent in the trash like some worn out rag
You can’t just assume consent and go
If we don’t say yes, then that means no