The Night He Used Her Name
Getting back from our evening out
laying on his motel bed
I spoke, he spoke
We lay and talk for hours.
A feeling of supreme ease circulated
we intersected at the leg
I, perpendicular,
My calves resting on his thighs.
No distractions,
No obligations,
We simply lay and
Love and
Speak our minds
Lighthearted and clean.
Our perfect moment
turned suddenly sour
when he, after
conversation turned to humor,
I was called by her name.
"gee, thanks Robyn."
This echoed impossibly,
My name perceptably forgotten,
my smile lost
Light in my eyes now
Faded, tears near replacing it.
He realized the error
Held me for a while.
Tears still came
As soon as I was sure
He could not see my fear.
"Do you want me or
Do you want her?"
A trembling voice prevents
the firmness of my goal.
"You. Always you."
His surety did true
my underconfidence defeat.
I hurt for the idea
That beyond an affair
They had to have had
moments like that
Humor and closeness
interfering with impersonality
We finished a movie
And said nothing more.