The Night of the Election
The night of the election
I decided not to watch the results
Though updates where on every one of my social media accounts
I decided to turn them off
I wanted to save the last moments of peace that I had
The last moments of my sanity
Of my unafraid blackness
I wanted to save my history
History that is now being turned into alternative facts
Turned into back and forth banter
I wanted to save my smile
My carefree senior smile
I wanted to hug my friends a little longer
and tell them that their religion doesn’t matter
That their God is as valid as mine
That I pray with the same knees that they do
Clasp my hands like they do
Bow my head like they do
I wanted to hold the hands of immigrants
Envelope them in welcoming
Shake any fear of leaving
Remind them that this country has always been a melting pot
That it was designed for people to seek refuge
That lady liberty isn’t just a statue but a state of being
And even she was an immigrant.
I wanted to hold on to my education
A right that hasn’t always been available
But a right that I respect deeply
I wanted to go to the doctor and get a check up
Have them run every test and exam
Run up every last bit of my insurance
Before it’s too late
I wanted to receive every prescription
Especially the ones that I don’t need
So hopefully I would be able to give it to someone else
I wanted to hold on to my womanhood
And all the services that come along with it
I wanted to preserve my choice
And the ability to choose it safely
And lastly
The night of the election
I wanted to hold on to the last ounce of pride
That I had developed for this country
A country that has repeatedly told me that I don’t matter
A country that stripped down my ancencsots
To nothing more than the rags on their backs
That forced them to throw their babies over board
During the middle passage
That repeatedly lets men get away with murder
And even after all of that
I still managed to have an ounce of a respect for the place that I was born.
The night of the election
I went to sleep
But then,
I woke up.