New Beginnings
I talked to God and said, "I'm ready for a new beginning"
A new beginning where my dreams and wishes come true
A new beginning where I'm loved for who I am
A path where I know I can
Then one day he said, "I'll try my best sweetie"
New beginnings for celebrating
New beginnings is the hope for me
because I'm trying not to head back to what I used to be
New beginnings is the way I want to go
Start fresh and gain a new person to know
New beginnings for me being loved
Because I want to be loved fo who I am and not what I do
If it needs to be that way, then fine I don't need to have friends too
New beginnings for my place in this world
tryin to spread around the love
New beginnings to try new things
wanting to move on from past things
New beginnings the way I see it equals structure
New beginnings for the hopes I have
New beginnings for the college life I'll move on to
New chapter starting today
New beginnings because I'm now over you
That stage in my life is now gone
Need consistency in my life
Don't want no back and forth
New beginnings for the path I choose to go on
New beginnings for the people I trust
Cuz not everyone in this cold world can be trusted
Got to hang with the right crew and sometimes keep things inside of you
New beginnings going on in school
New beginnings= new things, new you