I'll never hear a guy say I'm beautiful, because who would look at me and see beauty?
I'll never hear a guy say I'm smart, beacuse who would go out with me for my brains?
I'll never hear a guy say he loves me, because he'd probaby love some other girl more.
I'll never hear a guy say he wants to be with me, because he'll always be with someone else.
I'll never hear a guy say he wants to marry me, because he would never want to spend the rest of his life with me.
I'll never hear a guy say any of these things because I'll be too busy listing reasons why he shouldn't, judging myself on the basis of my own insecurity, never being willing to realize that I was the judge and the jury. Sentencing myself to depression, giving me a life of self pity, forfeiting my rights, believing I'm guilty. If I could only see into the future, I'll see I've been silly.
Every lie I've told myself, through the darkness I've been seeing...nothing, but made up stories, fables, if you will, that were rehearsed over and over, I was believing they were real.
Illustrations and cartoons, pictures of fairly odd characters, poorly written literature for a very high fee, labeled incorrectly, placed in biography.
But it was not my story, for it has not been told. Yet the pages were sold, author unknown.
For the girl who may be listtening, a girl who's just like me, never think you're unworthy, never sell yourself cheap. Don't think you're weird or crazy, you don't have to fit in. Dare to be you, dare to be different.
Guys don't need another "hot babe" or supermodel, they have enough of those, be someone they can follow. Be someone they can chase, a woman of class, dignity and grace.
And when you're down to your last rope, when life's not fair and you just can't cope,...Never say never....Never give up hope.