Never Forget
My father to ashes
The dust on my plate
We're all wondering
Why we suffered this fate.
Between all the lashes,
Crying and screams
We're being beaten down,
Too tired to dream.
The rest of us,
Are stuck in this race,
The goal is death row and we're hoping to place.
We've been worked hard, straight down to the bone,
The world has forgotten, and we're all alone.
The fires burn bright with the blood of our past,
We try to sleep through the night, knowing this silence won't last.
We're woken by sound of bullets and bombs,
All of of us in a daze, "the hells going on."
The Americans are here,
Well woopti fucken doo
A little too late for 6,000,000 Jews.
Our loved ones are dead,
And we wish so were we,
Even though we've been "saved"
We're not really free.
Held down by the blood,
The guilt, and regrets.
Auschwitz is something
We will never forget.