Neo-atheist - Arnold Jansen Llego
So I'm going to coin a new word. Neo-atheism.
Old views of atheism like, " God doesn't exist" is irrelevant to neo atheism. Why can't people just believe yewt not worship God? I'm baffled by how some people brand those who doesn't have faith as someone who is pitiful. Roughly speaking, those who pity others are more pitiful for they only see what is negative and never glance at what is positive. Neo Atheism! This view simply presents that people are free to believe in the existence of a diety and is free to believe what he believes in. Why can't we be free to choose? Why should we be shackled by others? It's time to rise from the simple minded thinkers that religion is everything to religion is a part of everything.
I coined it. Shut up!