Need to Pee
Triangles or Rectangles
I can never decide...
My brain says I'm male
My body....too bad you are still a girl
The struggle everyday
What do I choose?
Confused, I turn around and would rather wait for my home
Public Restrooms strike back reality
All eyes on me...
Is that a boy or a girl?
I want to change and be a boy....but I am different.
I don't need to change myself for society!
Our culture needs to change!
I want to feel comfortable when I go pee
standing or sitting
Change brings resistance from the fearful
Fear me not for I am human just like you
I just have to pee and the gender binary of this world judges whether I go right or I go left
People think they know my story but,
that needs to change
I am Benjamin. I am boy!
Restrooms are necesties that need to change to their original non-binary state!
All I want is to go pee in peace.