Nature Can See, Nature Can Hear
follow my footsteps
into the world that
has long been lost to
the creatures that think
it solely belongs to them
follow my voice
as i try to scream to the heavens
to take back the beast that have
created even more disaster before
the dawn of time
man were created by accident
even if we were planned by whoever
or whatever, we have destroyed our
only sustainable planet and
we are beginning to pay the consequences
no one is truly ready for the
rath that mother nature as for the
humans who can’t truly comprehend
the fact that nature is real
and nature can see you
follow my hands
into the sky that is slowly
becoming consumed by the
smoke of the factories that
have replaced the vast forest that
supplied us with gorgeous scenery
follow the wind
follow the sun
follow the sky
follow the words
of nature before
it’s too late for
anything to be heard