Myths scholarship slam- Aphrodite Inspiration

Brown skin girl with hopes and dreams;

She has the eyes of a queen.

Doves hum beside her as she walks with grace;

Easy to love no comparison when she shows face.

She brands herself with dignity and master plans.

Dreams of launching her own boutique;

Where she can spread self-love and the importance of being unique.

The business name was easy to create with Aphrodite for inspiration;

She observes her constellations.

Venus ruling planet and Love for what she gives;

Momma said work hard, dream big so you can live.

Show humility, never throw stones; 

Breaking ceilings and barriers to elevate her zone.

Diamonds form under pressure so she continues to build;

Surround herself with positive thinkers that are self-fulfilled. 

Hair soft and wooly with natural curl; 

To some a distraction from the most important parts of the girl. 

Intellectual bronze Goddess she continues to uplift;

Sharing all of Aphrodite’s Gifts.

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