They always told me no one would love me beause i was big.
I never said a word of disagrement because they were right.
I watched as my friends threw up their meals saying, If you want to be pretty then don't eat
So I listened because they were right.
I always thought if i did waht they said i'd be pretty, Thats all i ever wanted.
I never thought people would like me 'cause im not like them
At thirteen i starved myself to be thin lke them
They said that they were happy i was losing weight, but i wasn't
At fourteen i started self harm i thought it'd help, it didn't i hated myself even more
No one would love a girl who was too big or had scares from her past.
I picked up smoking from a friend, and my momma picked up words that could hurt me.
I never ment for this to get out of hand
I'm fifteen now i still self harm and i eat less than every one, i still think I'm too big
I let their words seep into me like a posion, currupting every part of me
I am no longer pure and I no longer whish to live