My words to a shooting star
WORDS TO A SHOOTING STAR It's 7pm in the evening the sun seem to had gone for the day and the moon has started showcasing it's Ray.. here I am all alone starring at the moonlight hearing nothing but my heart beat waiting for a shooting star to come runinnig for me to make a wish for it's been years of loneliness, one which completely shunned my happiness.. occasionally I find my self interacting with my pillow, in my country it's one of the greatest signs of madness... I am here you can now make a wish the shooting star cries then I thought and ponder how my lady of imagination would look like... Such a pretty young lady with blonde hair, a glamorous model tall and skinny, skin shines as bright as snow one I've longed for centuries ago.. Your presence alone tend to radiate my blood flow making every single cell in me crow Below my chest lies a beautiful cottage with a limited amount of coverage for you to inherit because all the love I had you were the reason for them... I'll be your shelter from the rain that never ends. Oh if only you could see how lonely I am spending most of my time thinking too much in darkness waiting for you to stretch out your hands of love in pulling me out. I've always imagined myself being rapped like a baby all around your tiny yet softened skin watching you smile in grin my favorite pumpkin I'd whisper as I stare right through those eyes Where else can I possibly be other than here with you my lady of imagination I watched you day and night like a television as you walked around the shores of the beach in your bikini attire for I shall never retire when it comes to loving you.. They say beauty fades away with time but yours would last for all eternity because you're the medicine to my anxiety and calamity. Being with you feels like being at home coz there's no place like home..the softness of your heart can't even be compared to a foam, go to Rome and look for it, it can't even be seen while using a drone... The colour of your eyes are blue one which completely changes my system anew because the avenue of my heart has been opened and renewed enabling you subdue my emotional strength and agility. If this is how love is, then let me remain forever in your captivity until you turn this imagination into realization I added as the shooting star ran back to the clouds.