My Walk to Maturity
Hello Kitty smiled at me
and waved in stickers while I squealed,
something simple gave me glee,
and sadness when in age they peeled,
Stories of heroes came along,
with swords and villains and lightening bolts,
immersed in worlds where I was strong,
to fight and vanquish Voldemort,
A haircut here and braces there,
I was taller than before,
Brand new jeans that I could wear,
and walk to class that I abhor,
Debates and papers stacked in folders,
dirty cleats by bedroom closet,
Hello Kitty's getting older,
"I'd like to make a bank deposit",
Cleats to heels; ideas into beliefs,
I shakily walked the stage; diploma in hand,
I watched red and black caps in their release,
and knew my future would be grand.