My Utopia Sings Into Creation
No talking turns into
No singing turns into
No whisling turns into
No humming turns into
No noise turns into
No thinking turns into
No Learning.
We don't talk to annoy you.
We talk to inquire you.
We talk because we want answers.
We talk because we're not getting any.
You want us to look alike,
dress alike,
act alike,
talk alike,
and think alike.
You don't want individuality.
You don't want creativity.
You don't want expression.
You don't want critical thinking.
You've sacrificed our creativity
In exchange for better behavior,
because those who cannot think
don't cause any trouble for you.
But when we can't express ourselves
through music, art, theater, and poetry,
We instead express ourselves
with fists, knives, guns, and bombs.
But at least we behave well now.
My utopia sings into creation.
We must want to live to want to learn,
We need to set our poetry in motion,
and sing it artfully and dramatically,
Because our minds and souls,
depend on what we do from now on.
Communication leads to
Exploration leads to
Integration leads to
Revelation leads to
Confirmation leads to
Acclamation leads to
Inspiration leads to