My Underworld
A flower is just a simple thing
Those soft, vibrant petals that glow and strive in the sunlight
When winter comes around you know what comes
Those petals slowly fall...
One by one
As the sun dims so does the flower
That once vibrant and awestruck flower will wither
To never get another chance
Perhaps I am like that flower
A child once so vibrant
Maybe if I never met her, if I never met her I would have never touched that stick
That stick called a cigar
I would not have gone down this eternal winter
Oh I have spring days, yes I do
But it's almost like I am in a tundra
Or perhaps is it the Underworld?
Am I Persephone and this depression and life my Hades?
No one could understand the suffocation of my own thoughts
Or maybe you can as I fall apart oh so slowly
Or will you watch as I fall apart, that last petal clinging for dear life
The petal that is my happiness, my hope?
Or will you simply watch...
Watch as I fall down the dark abyss into the Underworld, into Tartartus, until I am simply gone.