my story: or, a personal struggle with words, put into words
i should write a story.
. . . what kind of story?
i dunno. like, a story.
why is it so important that i have a story?
i dunno . . . i like stories. i wanted to be an author when i was younger.
but i don't anymore. i just want to write a story because "it's cool" and "my friends are writing stories."
come on, i always used to like writing stories. i just haven't tried one in a while.
because they all sucked. i could never finish anything. i still can't. not even crappy fanfiction.
i never stuck with it long enough because i got discouraged, kind of like right now. i could have written something great.
well, i didn't. do -i- have a story idea, huh, genius?
i don't know . . . -do- i?
obviously not, or i would be writing it right now instead of--
isn't this a story?