my story
My story is very simple
in school I was bad at reading
passeges and questions
was nothing but scribble
but poetry came easy
I could read a poem
and know it like the back of my hand
i have been through
more then most 17 year olds
from bullying to death in the family
from divorce to family members parting ways
not to be seen again
this girl in me wants to help people
wants to help kids who are going through
the same thing I did and more
have I thought of suicide
yes but 3 things
have kept me alive
God, my violin, and poetry
All of a sudden
in high school I started writing
the words just appeared in my head
and flowed on the paper
from then on I fell in love with it
it started as one poem
and turned into several
why am I a poet
poetry tells a story
a story where you don't have
to give every detail
for a shy girl
she can write her story
and a normal person
would think it's just another poem
but to a poetry lover
they read it and see between the lines
they see feelings
the feelings that are put behind the masterpiece
the feelings that she felt as she was writing
they see that they are not alone
they see there are other people out there
going through the same thing
but most importantly
they see hope