My Soul Definition
Defining a person is a delicate thing
Having to dig and claw at an inner-being
And hope nothing falls out
To look at myself through a magnifying glass
Sifting through my life and trying not to stick at an impasse
While never leaving the truth
A word that I see close to my heart
Is perseverance for the things that I had the courage to start
Nothing can sway my path
A little to the left is a word in bold
Passion for my dreams and things I dearly hold
I will never let them go
If I examine my brain there is a lot going on
Creativity flows and logic commands from dusk till dawn
They will never leave my side
There is also a cloud of darkness and fear
Of not meeting expectations and that death is near
A battle fought everyday
But if I look deeper inside my mind
I find someone just trying not to fall into the bind
Of what I’m expected to be
This is me in a few short lines
Or at least what the magnifying glass saw this time
It must be laid to rest