My silence
My silence
doesn't mean I'm dumb
Or that I'm not listening
It means I'm scared
Scared to say what I'm thinking
Afraid that to you it might be wrong
Or that my thoughts are stupid
I don't want you to call me weird or crazy
I want you to see in my light what I think
My silence
doesn't mean anything
but I think you'll think my opinion doesn't matter
I'm afraid
of the names you'll call or
the things you'll tell your friends about me
my silence is not something to take advantage of
It's something to ask about
something to stop
So mine and everyone's thoughts can flow freely
stop my silence and free me
save me from the judgement of my silence
look at me and see my silence as nonjudgement
Do not look at me and guess my silence
No guess the reason of my silence
So don't judge me or my silence