My Secret Mistake
I close my eyes and I see you
I see the friend that can be no more
I gave you away. My bestfrend gone.
It was a misktake.
I love you...So badly I want to tell you.
I remember how our words justed poured out into each other's soul.
You were made for me.
I gave you away not knowing what I had done until it was too late.
I close my eyes and see you.
I see you with her.
I want you, Half of me is gone... my days seem to grow dark without you.
I want to feel whole again, with you
You were made for me
You are my secret mistake.
You are still the one I see when I close my eyes.
You are the love of my life.
You are the one that I can never have
You were made for me.
I wish you could see through my eyes just this once.
I will always be thinkng of you.
I close my eyes and I will always see you.
I love you and forever you will never know.