My Savior
The world around us is full of turmoil and dangers
Little girls are being abducted and raped by strangers
People don’t really know how to express these feelings deep down inside them
Some chose razor blades others naked sheets that they abandon later
I chose to write
Actually writing chose me
Sitting at home all alone, basking in my glum
I smelled of cheap perfume while I was letting a razor be my pen and my blood the ink
Then I realized that wasn’t for me
YouTube videos of the great Strivers Row poetry group
Alisha and Zora speaking my life without even knowing me
Bringing me to tears over and over again
The moving lyrics of Lauryn Hill and the crispiness of Maya Angelou’s voice
They all helped me get to where I am today
The girl who once wanted to kill herself
The fatherless girl who was drowning in a sea of uncertainty
The girl whose first love left her all alone and pregnant
The girl who had a lot to say but was too afraid of being made fun of
The girl who thought that god had forgotten about her
Poetry chose this girl and made her into a confident young women
Like Dory , poetry taught me to just keep swimming
So that I do, I keep swimming
This girl has a lot to say and thanks to pen and paper
She can never be silenced