My Saving Grace
Here's a book
Read it
Look at those words
Believe it
Live by that book
Love it
All your problems will melt away
All you got to do is read that book
Believe that book,
Follow the rules in that book
Don't worry
You'll be fine
Just look at me
I'm devine!
I don't have to worry
'Cause I believe in those words
I belive that book
So should you, why don't you?
Listen to the words coming out my mouth
Please listen
Hear what I'm saying
Not what I didn't say
I feel what I feel
Please stop telling me what is and isn't real
Write about what you feel
'Cause its the only thing thats keeping you together
Far from the people who won't remember
The same people who say
"It's okay. You can trust me, tell me anyway."
No, I can't trust nor can I tell
This paper and pen are my only friends
It's the only thing that stays
The only thing that knows me
The only thing that won't lead me astray
That pen and paper are MY saving grace