My Salvation, My Ruin
There’s always a certain kind of beauty in everything
Whether it’d be a stranger’s smile that seems to hold all of the secrets of the world
The feeling when you get caught up in a conversation with someone you treasure
The look someone gets when they talk about something they’re passionate about
Someone’s smile when it’s only the two of you left
The lightness of his touch when he touches you for the first time
When you look at them and see yourself
When you get so wrapped into something and you lose sense of your surroundings
Or perhaps that feeling when someone you care about trusts you with something important
The love and care an artist puts into making something
The softness of a kiss
How little he touches you anymore
The pain inside when he says goodbye for the last time
It’s the emotions that lie within these events that inspire me
That make me who I am
Every event, no matter how seemingly little it may have seemed has imparted its way into my soul
And has enriched my mind
Everything I feel, no matter how weak it may make me
Is the reason I am who I am
They make a writer, filling a void with excitement
They make me a daydreamer, wishing someone could come and whisk me away
But they also make me a worrier, over analyzing things
They make cautious, forever distrusting of others
My surroundings, my emotions
They are my salvation… And my ruin.
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The little girl
Walking around the soccer field
Not playing the sport
But winning the game
As she picks up trash
Cans, bottles, wrappers
Clearing the grass
Saving the earth
I am conscientious
The troubled child
Sitting at her desk
Brow furrowed
Lip bitten
Deliberating math problems
Forgoing the calculator
Striving for learning
Never giving up
I am studious
The awkward tween
Standing in the corner
Eyes wide,
Curious, alert
Looking for friends
Preparing to speak
Thinking twice
Fearful of bad first impressions
I am shy
The young adult
Approaching the door
Head held high
Courage in her stride
She holds the key
Behind the door
Is the great unknown
But she is not scared
I am ready