My Right Hand Man and the dEVIL
Do not dwell on the not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment. This isn't a metaphor or stress relief technique. Do it now and do it always, for the present moment is all that ever actually exists. Be in a state of rest. Assume the state of an inanimate object without thought long enough that you may find an underlying order in the chaos of the mind.
Motivational. Inspiration at it's finest comes directly from the core. It stems from my right side. A soft whisper or fierce roar flows in my ear at the perfect moment. I always used to think that it was God but it wasn't. It was my right hand. My go to. My best friend and my overseeing angel. My right hand was the best version of me. Wearing not a white robe or halo but whatever I was wearing for the day. My right hand never talked in riddles or bible verses that I had to decipher or transform in order to fit my current life's situation. It was always direct, clear and simple. This is wrong. You are better than this. Wake up! My right hand's voice was loud but just as loud as the seductive voice sneaking into my left ear.