My Poemy Poem- An Ode to Dr. Seuss
"Poems should rhyme,
all of the time"
Isn't that just the cheesiest line?
Dr. Seuss, boy he was great,
and I don't think even I could debate
That a rhyme made his poems even more special
Even when it was as knotted as a pretzel
With approximate lines and cheesy word flow
But that great man, sure did know
That children's poems were the way to go.
Because they are simple and clean and matter of fact
Teaching kids lessons of how they should act.
I can imagine him sitting and laughing
About making up words such as giraffing.
They are not real words, but he was a genius
And when I was a kid, nothing could come between us.
But now that I'm older I don't quite like
Poems that rhyme, but it's like riding a bike.
You always come back and know what to do
Because there is no one truer than true
And nobody, NOBODY, is youer than you!