My place
There's a place all my own.
Shared, but just for me.
I go and I am revived.
I cry all tears for that year,
and I laugh enough for a century.
I am grounded and secure,
surrounded by love.
It seems that the life I usually live is gone,
and everything I need, want, hope for..
becomes my reality.
I have a week where peace and friendship grow high.
Where trees and nature make me appreciate life,
face beauty.
Where I take my guard down and reveal who I am
to strangers.
I'd never say they're strangers though, because they share
in an experience of universal love
and healing.
I am mentored and taught, shaped into a better person.
I'd give all that I have for this place,
It is my home.
I watch children become caring people.
I watch others who are known for being so cold,
be the kindest souls.
I wish I could share my place with the world.
I wish I could show the world a place where only peace exists.
Where hate and anger just dissapear, and I wish I could spread it everywhere.
I love my place, it's everyone's place.
I love to see what it does for the world.
..and how much more it could do.