My People Are More Than #Hashtags
There's a gun in my face
As I try to figure out how I got to this place.
I wonder if it was for wearing a hoodie and having a bag of skittles,
Or was it just for being innocent and little.
Following instructions like the system says,
But instead he holds a gun to my chest.
All I hear is screams and camera sounds.
But all that I feel are the rounds.
The 16 billets that hits my body,
Really wish I could hug my mommy.
We look up and thank God for a nation under a red, white, and blue flag,
But yet my future may only be a hashtag.
Everyday more and more African Americans meet this fate,
Because this society is ran off of fear and hate.
The feelings that never seems to fade.
Yet every social media, news network, and talk show can be financially and ignorantly swayed.
All I want to be is the best that I can be,
But out there someone in blue fears and hates me.
Following the rules doesn't seem to change anything.
But I'll keep on praying.
Praying that my dad and brother will walk back through that door.
Praying that I may continue to live so I can hug my mom more,
But now all I see are flashes of red and blue.
Something I though that was suppose to protect you.
All I can do is show how great of a people we are and can be.
Never knowing if that next hashtag will be me.
I don't just get the high GPAs and Rewards because it can fit in my resume.
I do it to show what that hashtag could've been.
To show its not about the color of my skin.
We can be great if the man in blue can just give us a chance.
We make mistakes just like everyone else, but instead you use it to enhance
Your argument and to degrade our name.
You find one negative looking picture and tell us we're insane.
For thinking we can be more.
But if I haven't learned anything in this life is that you can be and that's for sure.
Black lives matter,
"All lives matter".
Its funny because that has never been the case.
All through history African Americans have been defaced.
One day I hope to see that "All lives matter"
But right now all I see are black lives being shattered.