My Pen
I sit, on a desert island.
There he is.
He who does not judge.
He who lets me live and let live
My life, my soul, my everything
He sits with me, glistening in the sun
Reminding me that everything will be okay
With him I have lived a thousand lives
I have died a thousand deaths
We have rescued damsels
Foiled evil plans
Fallen in love
We have seen the world together
Without having left my room
There are times where I am left in despair
But, he wil not abandon me
I have cried while holding him
An he has offerend me comfort
When I am mad
He is there
When I am sad
He is there
When I am happy, in love, crazy, confused...
He is there to see me through
So, I sit on this desert island
Pen in hand, eyes at rest
My pen, my love, my savior
I know that I'm okay