My Old Soul In A Young Body
My old soul in a young body has been a blessing and curse.
When I close my eyes I picture myself as aged gentleman dressed fine,
with a pocket watch in perfect time.
Surrounded by kerosene lamps in my Victorian parlor.
But when I open up my eyes I see a young teenager having to wear modern clothes
with a cell phone that I have to use as my lifeline.
Surrounded by artificial light glowing from screens.
When I go shopping I look for antiques that seem familiar to me somehow;
like gramophones producing sweet music on records,
and furniture and decor so elegantly crafted.
But what I often find and have to settle with is cheap products in modern stores;
like plastic radios and devices playing electronic music,
and furniture and decor mass produced with in a simple design.
When I go in public I act gentlemanly and chivalrously to everyone.
Use proper etiquette and manners,
and keep intelligent conversation without vulgarity.
But when I try to, most of the public is walking around with selfish behavior.
Not caring about how they act or treat others,
and keeping simple talk with rude words.
My old soul in a young body is a blessing and a curse,
because when I find another one like me, it's divine!