my music dream.
I wish I could be a musician and sing my little heart out.
I wish I could be like Lauryn Hill, motivating hearts,
..yet not falling for every cheap record deal.
I wish I could be revolutionary like the raps of Talieb Kweli.
I wish I could team up and work with someone
like QuestLove or Black Thought.
I wish I could have the mind of Erykah Badu.
I wish I could be as passionate as Alicia Keys.
I only wish to bring soul back to music.
I only wish I could change the 'music industry'
..making the underdogs of music the ones we hear on the radio.
Just give me a band. Give me a piano player, drummer, bassists,
a few sax players, a good bass and brass line.
Forget giving me a 'banging beat'..
it's from that very concept that we need to retreat.
Let's get together and make music.
Let's cure the souls that are sick
& that believe this stuff on the radio is the sh*t.