My Mistake
An apology
I owe to you
everyone else begs to stop me
they think your the one that's wrong
I can't help but laugh
I'm a disappointment, I know
I made you mad
I hurt you
I pushed your buttons and made you do thing you didn't like
I did things you didn't like
I wanted you to try new things
I wanted you to laugh with us
I wanted to see you smile
You didn't
didn't laugh, didn't smile, didn't be happy, didn't have fun
It's funny, you know?
the way you looked so hurt by me trying so hard to make u happy
like you could hit me
I wish I could take it back
take back the party, holding you, staying beside you, hugging you
but most of all I'm sorry we were so different
in that you focused on them while I focused on you
and I focused so much on you that you called me "annoying"
Sorry I'm not perfect
Sorry I didn't do what you wanted
Sorry you think I'm annoying
Sorry I made you think that
I guess that's just how I am, huh?
a dumb little girl that God forbid be....
too happy