My Mirror Reflection
Have you ever looked at yourself through a mirror and realized that you didn't see the you that you imgained you'd be? I did.
I imagined that I would be silent and sit alone in a corner with a book in my hand, hiding my face from my classmates and teachers. I thought that giving speeches and presentations would kill me on the inside, made my palms sweat and my heart race, but it didn't. I thought I would have one close friend, who would eventually leave me for another person.
None of those things are who I am now. I cannot say that I truly know how I am, but I cannot be defined by status quo. I am me, and that's all I every wanted.
I do read constantly, but not to hide but to remember how good my life is... I read mostly tragedy and romance. These novels remind me that life is worth living, it gives me hope. Giving speeches and presentations doesn't make me sweat or make my heart pound, it makes me smile. I don't love having attention on me, but I love sharing my knowledge. I do have one friend who I tell everything to, but I have more that. I have an entire group and we all listen to each other and do our best to boost each other up when we are falling down. That is what I truly wanted, and it's what I have.