My Love, Mi Vida
I came out broken and wilted
Out of a relationship where
He did physically hurt me
He did verbally abuse me
But he told me
He did it "Because he loved me"
I left him and I didn't look back
I saw strength within myself
The strength he told me I didn't have
I am a powerful being
I don't deserve this
And he didn't deserve me
I did this
Because I love myself
Self love is beautiful
And I am beautiful
I am smart
I am wise
I am artistic and musical
And he will not silence
The beautiful melody and harmony
That was myself
I knew this man
The strongest I've ever known
And he too was broken and wilted
Such as I was
He found strength earlier than I
And I can tell he was happy
I can tell from his beautiful smile
From his warm deep brown eyes
He did what he did
Because he loved himself
As friends became best friends
And best friends became
Boyfriend and girlfriend
Though him and I had a hard understanding
I came to terms with myself
I smiled because he smiled
I was happy because he was happy
And on days where he wasn't so happy
He still showed me he loved me
And I gave him the same love
Maybe even more
Because I loved him
Months have went by
And he and I still share this happiness
We aren't Broken and Wilted
In Fact him and I were never broken
Just lost in an Illusion
That what we had been through was love
That every time they had abused and used us
It was because "they loved us"
That every time they spoke and we couldn't
It was because "they loved us"
HIm and I aren't lost anymore
We are blooming
Because we found one another
And unfortunately
You have to push through the bad
To get to the good
Now we text eachother
On how our days are
Because we love each other
Now we give trust
Because we love each other
Now we smile at
One another's accomplishments
Because we love each other
But most of all
He treats me as i treat him
He loves me because i love him
And days we don't get along
We still express our love to one another
Whether its asking "are you okay?"
Or saying "I'm here for you"
I would do anything for him
We would do anything for each other
As a team, as it should be
And when we ask, why?
Our only real excuse is
"Because i love you"