My Insomnia
as the body starts to give,
the thoughts continue.
this is one torturous way to live.
but this is what life has come to.
this insomnia only gets worse.
it is a mental torture,
as well as my curse.
i'm stuck in a realm of endless thought.
trying to escape this trap.
a trap in which my mind is caught.
and as sleep slowly overcomes me,
so does this mindless energy.
an energy i cant control.
where this energy comes from,
i do not know.
so i wait.
rock solid,
waiting seems to last forever
but when the feeling is gone,
the weight of this stone
is now the weight of a feather.
i either go to sleep now or never.
there is a light in my head that never goes out.
its either covered up,
or forgotten about.
and as you know just like all lights,
this light is most ominous at night.
because of this, my whole life is a dream.
i live my life sleepwalking, it may seem.
its as simple as this:
i cant be a human being.