My Inner Clock
With every Tick and Tock
Life goes on
There is no pause
No break
Just the clock of time
Continuing to tick and tock.
With every passing second
We have an opportunity
A choice.
What to do with our ticks and our tocks.
Some people "yolo" their ticks
And waste their "tocks"
But me?
I want to rock my own socks.
What drives me, is success.
Not money.
Not fame.
But success.
Because in my opinion
Money and Fame are not the only definitions of success.
Because every day you wake up and try
Is a successful day.
Every night you lie down and say, "I made it through another day."
Is a success.
See what makes me tick, is life itself.
Life is overrated to some people.
Who take it as a joke.
But to me, life is inspiration.
Nature, people, the daily challenges of it crossing my path.
It pushes me to do outwork it, outsmart, outdo it.
That what life is all about.
Thats what keeps me going.
The challenge of life.
Some people are "ticked and tocked" by money, fame, and fortune.
Me, I just want to end every day telling myself " I made it"
Because at the end of the day,
Who are we to say success isn't ours for the taking?
We are 'me.'
Me is 'we'
And we are 'us.'
But at the end of the day, it starts with me.
With you.
What makes you take that challenge of life.
For me, it is just life itself.
Thats what makes me "tick and tock"
The clock of life.