Do you know about My Hub? Her world? My love? And why to her I nod?
She cried out to me and I ran to her call
And she's taught me how to stand and not fall
Be Free! feel Free!! She kept on saying to me
Even if you fall, you can stand as long as you live.
she's out again in search of the lost young ones
Keeping aside her very urgent wants
Going as far as high upto the hills
Not taking notice of the pain she feels
Campaigning effectively against sexual assault
Correcting their mistakes as though it were her fault
Bringing hope to whoever she comes across
Assuring them that they really don't have everything lost
Day by day her aspirations for them heightens
If only she could have them will her soul lighten
Plunging deeper gathering all that has been scattered
Known as great because she assumed the role of a father
An alterego and embodiment of excellence
A coalition of great minds without pretence
The mother of great entrepreneurs
A down to the earth skill hewer
Giving birth to youths with great dexterity
Working towards the happiness of her posterity
Never brackish to skill acquisition
Here she stands, eager to make a nation
Hardwork Diligence and humility are her value
Her intense desire to bring up the teens as better youths
Her ears in anticipation of their voice not minding the distance
And her arms open wide to them for an embrace that gets them relaxed
She is love
She is my hub
She is 9ineteen hub
She is 9inteen works training

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