My History
Raised to fight and born without a heartbeat. My life is just one struggle after the other. At six I was turned into a product for trade and negotiations, my humanity taken away by a simple decision made by two fools. At nine I was sent away to learn how to kill and die. Three years went by and two of my brothers died in my arms while I lay in a pool of blood, not all my own. A secret I had kept till now. Back home now, confused by the new environment I was now in, I took on the personality of my fellow subordinates, grew out my hair and quietly did what I was told. Fighting with one side of my family while internally, wanting to rip my twisted heart out and smash it on the ground till it stops beating once again. Years went by and I found a new home with a new family. They did not fully understand me, they only saw the mask I wanted to show. In this form I was happy and comfortable, finding better sleep there then I did at my natural home. My new family was the ideal family I wanted and I worshiped it till now. Now they have abandoned me and harm me while I am now in this week state of mind. Now the only home I have is cold and fully immersed with my pain.