My Heart Beats Quietly
I hate to admit it but my heart has been lit into flames
Flames that are hot like the brighest star
My heart burns for affection
Afterwhile, my heart will turn into a pile of ashes.
My heart can no longer take the cold shoulder it has been given
My heart is filled with shy feelings, timid reactions, and beats softly
to most people but my heart beats loud and clear
to all who want to listen.
Yet no one wants ro listen
My heart beats quietly and no louder than a faint whisper
When all is quiet, you can hear the soft mellow tempo
of my heartbeat
Only few can hear it but he is deaf
to the sound of my heartbeat
He is not deaf to the sound of his music, or
to the high-pitched laughter of the girls in the hall or
the sound of lockers slamming shut yet,
Yet he can not hear my heartbeat
it's mellow tempo
I wonder, if he can't hear my heartbeat
then who ever will hear the soft tune of
my heart?