My goal for a better.......
I wake up every morning to greet the day.
To greet the faces that smile back and make their day.
A warm embrace from friends, happy to see you will conquer another day.
You may think to yourself, you cant relate, but you cant stay in bed all day expecting your life to turn out the way you want it.
I get up to better myself, its hard but I make sure I get what I need done thats when my mind and body goes to another place.
Goals is what Greets My Day.
I want to better myself and make myself proud of what I have done.
What people wont do for me, ill do for myself.
Im scared to not build anything for me and what I wont have and only dream about what I could have.
A smile, a goal, even a hello will Greet My Day.
But I do this for myself and accomplish what I have to accomplish in order to wake up at ease.