My Girl from your friend
I saw my girl come home; giggling and bubbly.
My girl loved me right away.
She loved to kiss my nose, and she loved to crawl with me.
I'd make her laugh everyday for hours.
She liked to sit on the floor and eat with me.
We swam together during the summer, and mom brushed her hair as she brushed mine.
My girl was my best friend.
I would protect my girl until the day I died, and I surely I would die for my girl.
I knew one day my joints would give, and I wouldn't be able to run no more.
My girl kept me going.
I knew I'd leave my girl one day; and I knew how.
I'd be strapped to the table and watch the liquid run into my veins.
Tears would stream down my girls face, as my eyes closed.
But that isn't how I left my girl..
and it's because she left me.
I was upset when my girl didn't take me that day; the day everything stopped.
She went for some milk but she never came home.
I thought she got lost or tired until the rings began.
Mom left, dad left, brother left, they all left but me.
At least they came home, my girl left for good.