My Ghost, Where'd You Go
We have voiced our thoughts
Tearing away from religion
Many think you’re not worth it
The pain you may cause
The stress
The money
But what about your love
Your relationship with me and others
Your rights to live here on Earth
They get stolen and unheard
What would you be
A student
A teacher
A doctor
You’re thought of as a speck
One that cannot be heard
You were torn from here
As though you were simply nothing
But now we know that you are home
In a place far away from this
Bitter world
Many have made a choice
But it is one that is not up to them
You are the love in our hearts
You are joy in our lives
You are the spirit we wish to surround us
Though you are here no more
This is not the end
We can still change what is coming
And make it better for the future
For people like you,
Little and growing,
Yet not considered life.