My Foes From the Dark
I was born with imaginary foes. They're always lurking in the shadows. Their silver eyes staring at me, watching for the slightest scream. They crouch low, waiting for my heart to slow. Waiting 'til I fall asleep. Waiting to torment me.
In my dreams, I'm surrounded, submerged in water.
They grab me and cover my mouth so I can't scream.
In my dream, they're dragging me to the bottom of the water, which seems to never end.
A sharp object is inserted between my ribs, and I start to bleed.
In my dream, red starts to merge with the dark, murky water. I clutch my side and red-ish stains form on my hand.
I mentally scream help! knowing it's no use to scream aloud. The knife plunges deeper into my body. I squeal. It's muffled, for the hand is still over my mouth.
In my dream, a familiar voice bids me goodbye.
I fall back, limp and bloody. I say goodbye to my real foe, the woman who hated me my entire life, the one who raised me rarely, causing me to run my own life from the start.