My Favorite Kind of Love
I've had a fast kind of love
A slow kind of love
And the kind of love that you wouldn't have realized if it punch you in the jaw and sent you all the way to Japan Ha
well I noticed it after all
The kind of love that was creeping and crawling below the surface waiting the right moment
to just
explode into a beautiful thing
The kind of love you miss out on because you allowed yourself to ignore the signs
The kind of love that just goes to waste and lost in oblivion because you
say what's on your mind.
I've experienced a lot of different types of love
But my favorite type of love is the bliss that fills your body as the new day shines on your face
the kind of love that gives you goosebumps with just one note.
My favorite type of love is the love for life and creation in its purest form.
That is the kind of love I cherish most of all.
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