To My Father
A Father is a Man of Bravery
A Man who's courage is unwavering,
A Man who's never caught quavering
A Parent is an Example of Righteousness
An Example to his sons and daughter,
An Example of a heart purer than holy water
A Dad is a Hero of Honor
A Hero who never gives into the easy way,
A Hero who always has something wise to say
But now I am at a loss of words
I Lied, Cheat, Begged and Pried,
All those times I may have Cried,
But the only way to make those tears subside,
Is knowing that you'll be always by my Side
I cannot possibly begin to express
To try to sum up your good deeds on paper,
The meaning just seems to taper
But not in my heart
For your actions and efforts will always be kept,
In my Heart, Mind, and Soul where they are sound slept
Only to awaken in the future
When I forge my own blood into being,
When I show them the proper wellbeing
Nothing I do,
Can ever Thank You