My Family is Awesome!
She had me at an age when most females are in college, chasing their dreams or having fun with their friends.
But my coming into the world didn't stop her groove, she didn't break, fall or bend
We may not have had the best of everything, material things that is.
However, my awesome Grandparents, stepped in and helped to see that my Mother had what we needed you know- taking care of business.
As time went on and as I got older, times got harder. Tradegy set in.
My awesome Mother succumbed to the wiles of the world. Her life turned to sin.
Somehow, I was tossed around. I felt like a whirlwind had taken control.
I couldn't breathe, I was depressed, I wanted to die! What was this hold?
I'd pray Lord give me my Mother back. I just want to be normal and happy.
My awesome Grandparents, my awesome Aunt and my awesome Uncle all took great care of me and would sometimes have to slap me back into reality.
I spent the majority of my teen years without my Mother present in my life
Although I missed her being there physically, I know she was with me spiritually and that was nice
Now, I'm happy to say that God answers prayers. I have my Mother back
It's just like old times, she's leaving no slack